Not everybody is cut out to survive in a world where the dead walk and the living run. When the basic laws that govern Man are no longer enforced, would you do whatever it takes to stay alive?
You can’t afford to be soft in a post-apocalyptic nightmare. Even if you’ve somehow managed to escape the initial onslaught of walkers and find a safe place to hide, you’ll likely have to live in survival mode for the rest of your days.
First things first, how are you going to secure a stockpile of food and water? Are you desperate enough to raid infested stores for a few cans of beans, or would you try to steal or mooch off of other survivors? Would you treat your fellow humans with dignity and trust them not to backstab you? Or are you the type to take down anybody who has become useless to your team?
Modern society has dulled out a lot of humanity’s animalistic edge. But in the world of this famous zombie series, you’ll either have to hunt or be hunted.
Which Walking Dead character are you? Shamble on over to our personality quiz and find out!
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Among all other television series based on the zombie apocalypse, The Walking Dead occupies a special place in the hearts and minds of countless fans of the genre. It was, after all, one of the first Z series to hit the mainstream, subsequently influencing many other shows over the past decade.
The Walking Dead’s premise helped to solidify the concept of zombies in the public’s imagination, painting them as slow and fragile monsters that remain tireless hunters, and overwhelming in hordes.
The show also did its part to flesh out how ordinary humans would first cope, then adapt to, the post-apocalypse. In fact, much of the show’s drama and conflict – especially in the later seasons – revolved more around the threats coming from different survivors, rather than from the zombies themselves.
Interplay between different personalities, all high-strung, desperate and volatile from the stresses of survival, is a vital part of the series. To that end, we wanted to see how your own personality compared to the show’s beleaguered cast’s, and made this personality quiz for you to finally wrest the question “Which Walking Dead Character Are You?” free from your brain.
One of the major sources of drama and action in the show comes from Rick and his group’s interaction with other survivor communities – some of them benevolent, but most sporting various types of evil.
The Saviors are currently the most notable example – a band of marauders driven by a “survival of the fittest” mentality led by part-time protagonist and full-time sociopath Negan. Their nightmarish love for violence and murder is dwarfed only by truly evil groups, such as the Whisperers and the Terminus Group.
Other communities make at least a little effort to create a civil and peaceful society, like the Woodbury group overseen by The Governor before his murderous intentions were revealed. Related groups include Oceanside and the gargantuan Commonwealth.
Lastly, on the non-evil side of functioning communities, you had places like Alexandria and the Hilltop community, managed by some of Rick’s crew themselves.