Do or Do Not – There Is No Trying With This Expert Star Wars Quiz

To be a skilled practitioner of the Force, initiates must commit themselves into studying the secrets of the galaxy, from the arcane mystics that permeate both Jedi and Sith cultures, to the deep sciences that govern the fates of the stars themselves.

Usually, Padawans and Sith Apprentices alike have to dedicate years of their lives to consider themselves adept at these things, culminating in tests such as the Trial of Insight at the Jedi Temple to test their knowledge and mastery over their chosen fields.

… We don’t have a Jedi Temple, nor are we personally licensed by Yoda or Emperor Palpatine to hand out official Star Wars certificates, but we do have the next best thing! A quiz all about Star Wars fun facts to see if you’re among the franchise’s most dedicated and well-read fans.

Are you wise enough to pass the trial of this expert Star Wars quiz?

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Expert Star Wars Quiz


How many hands were cut off in Revenge of the Sith?

Correct! Wrong!

Which real-life animals were the Geonosians in Attack of the Clones modelled after?

Correct! Wrong!

Which pop star auditioned to be Jar Jar Binks?

Correct! Wrong!

Darth Plagueis trained Palpatine as his Sith apprentice. Plagueis is a member of which species?

Correct! Wrong!

Who was originally slated to be Anakin’s brother?

Correct! Wrong!

What was the real-life reason why Mace Windu’s lightsaber was purple?

Correct! Wrong!

What form of lightsaber combat did Obi-Wan use?

Correct! Wrong!

Roughly how old was Yoda when he finally passed away?

Correct! Wrong!

Which real-life country almost started a war due to a blooper during the filming of A New Hope?

Correct! Wrong!

Keep it a secret – but what was supposed to be Yoda’s name?

Correct! Wrong!

Which skilled fencer played Darth Vader physically in the original trilogy?

Correct! Wrong!

Why was Dooku’s lightsaber hilt curved?

Correct! Wrong!

Mustafar is based off of…

Correct! Wrong!

Which TIE fighter model was built to counter the Rebellion’s X-Wing?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of these Star Destroyer classes is the largest?

Correct! Wrong!

How much money did Harrison Ford make in the first film?

Correct! Wrong!

The Ewok language is based off of…

Correct! Wrong!

The horror movie codename for filming Return of the Jedi in secret was…

Correct! Wrong!

Who voiced Yoda?

Correct! Wrong!

How tall was the original Chewbacca?

Correct! Wrong!

Expert Star Wars Trivia Quiz
Prodigy of the Force

Share your Results:

Even Palpatine quivers at your knowledge of the galaxy. You have wisdom over the Force so unparalleled it makes Yoda crawl back into the shadows like the crazy green gremlin he is. You’d probably beat Thrawn at chess, or outclass Count Dooku at a fancy ball. Some serious appreciation is due for how intricately you’ve studied the Star Wars franchise – because there’s enough fun facts in your noggin to make the galaxy’s most entertaining Holocron!
A Formidable Force Wielder

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Your knowledge will take you far, far away, young initiate. Translated to actual Force user skills, you’re likely talented enough to execute Saber Throws or Force Pushes, hurl Force Lightning or Repulse enemies with a field of pure Force energy. The amount of attention you give to the series means you can hold your own against any self-respecting fan in a Star Wars convention!
A Padawan Who’s Lucky to be Alive, I Guess

Share your Results:

All things considered, the survival rate for Padawans is likely very low in the grand scheme of things, but it seems your knowledge is decent enough to have passed! This might be because you’re not really the hugest Star Wars fan, or simply enjoy the series without getting too deep into the details. That’s totally fine… but we have dispatched Mandalorian bounty hunters to get you. And Darth Maul. They’re coming. You can’t stop them.

About our Expert Star Wars Trivia Quiz

With Star Wars, what else needs to be said? It’s one of popular culture’s most enduring science fiction franchises for a reason – and, high space dramas, capital ships, and laser-based weaponry aside, a huge part of that reason is because Mr. George Lucas’ original creation has generated such a vast amount of lore about a very distant galaxy set way back in the past.

Whether you’re personally more inclined towards the stoic and upstanding path of a Jedi, or the insidious and turbulent road into madness as a Sith, the galaxy of Star Wars is wide enough to incorporate just about any taste or wish fulfilment a fan could have. If Force powers aren’t your thing, you can still strike it rich as a famed bounty hunter, plumb the secrets of the most wayward of suns as an explorer, or command your own fleet as an admiral!

With such a universe to fill your imagination, is there any question why Star Wars lore is so pervasive today? How much do you know about Mandalorians and your midichlorians? Try out your knowledge with our expert Star Wars quiz!

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