In ecology, every organism has a niche – a role to play in its environment. Well, the same concept applies to friend groups. Every friend has their preferred role that underlies their relationship with everyone else. What’s yours?
Friends can embody a few archetypes which reflect parts of their deeper personality. Think about your own values – do you prize responsibility? Fun and thrill-seeking? Intellectual fulfillment? Or perhaps, simple relaxation and good vibes? These kinds of priorities translate to how you interact with your friends.
Another way to look at it is to know what you contribute to your squad – are you the guy who gets everyone off their butts and out there doing something? Are you the zany type who adds a little bit of unpredictability to everyday situations? Are you the true gamer in your group? Give it a bit of thought.
So – how about it? What kind of friend are you? This Friendship Test will map out the type of friend that you tend to be in your social life.
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Friendships have a certain kind of duality – there’s typically something in common that binds the whole group together at first, but as these relationships grow, even highly opposing personalities can become the best of buddies due to how different traits, interests and opinions can complement one another.
Some of your pals are daring and take the lead, while others like to go with the flow. You can have friends that get teary-eyed when talking about their feelings, and who cry at movies, and there are others on whom you can rely to stay logical when others are angry or grief-stricken.
The interplay among various individuals that leads to them becoming friends also helps you grow. The people with whom you choose to surround yourself can impact you in many ways – you might pick up a bit of your friend’s unique lingo, learn to love a new hobby from another, or become more confident and outgoing with other friends.
Ask out your whole squad to take this Friendship Test and find out if there’s a well-balanced mix of friend types in the group!